Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Stepping out of my comfort zone.

This is new for me. I follow a couple of friends blogs all of the time, and I have often thought of creating one myself. Today, I decided to do just that. It was prompted by a friends blog who had commented that she had just read all of her blogs from the last year. That comment struck me to my core, as I used to write in a journal faithfully until one day it was read without my permission. Since that day, I have not written down any personal thoughts or feelings for fear it would be read. This is different. This is a place where I can post what my two adorable daughters have said or done to make me laugh. This can be a place I can come back to several years later and show my daughters to make "them" laugh. This may also become a place I can vent my frustrations over many random things. Hence the title: Randomness. I have no clue what I will write, how often, or if I will even be any good at it. I have been told numerous times that I should write a book about the things my girls say and do, so maybe this will suffice for now. It will be a very generic looking blog as I have no clue how to do the layout yet...that is something I will need to play around with. My writing style will probably be all over the place and not nearly as beautifully written as my friends blogs, but that is okay with me. I am stepping way out of my comfort zone as I am normally a very private person. I have a fear of being judged. I fear that my writing will not be entertaining enough, that I may bore people. So for me, this is a big step. I need to step out of my comfort zone more often though, it will help me grow. So.....here I go!


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